FAQs & Common Problems
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Should I stop feeding birds in fall so they can start their migration?
Why do woodpeckers like to hammer on houses? And what can I do about it?
How do I keep the squirrels in my yard away from my feeders and bird seed?
What do I do if I find a sick, injured, or dead bird?
FAQ: Outdoor Cats and Their Effects on Birds
FAQs & Common Problems Articles/Videos
6 Common Bird Migration Questions, Answered by Our Expert
A bird keeps flying into my window or car mirror, on purpose. What should I do?
What do small birds do in a storm?
Living Bird Magazine Do Birds Have Eyelashes?
Project FeederWatch What Is an Irruption?
How do birds survive in very cold temperatures?
Why do migrating Canada Geese sometimes fly in the "wrong" direction?
Do backyard birds return to the same spot year after year?
How can an owl catch a mouse underneath a foot of snow in total darkness?
Why don’t birds collide when they are flying close together in tight flocks?
Do hawks flock together?
Yesterday evening around dusk I watched hundreds and hundreds of birds flying over my house. What were they?
What are owl pellets?
Why are loons chasing each other across my lake?
Do birds store food for the winter?
How can Bald Eagles survive in northern areas after all the lakes have frozen?
Do vultures find dead animals by smell or by tracking predators or scavengers on the ground?
I've been hearing beautiful bird songs every morning since spring, but suddenly I'm not hearing birds at all! What happened to them?
Why are Blue Jays far more noisy in fall than earlier in the summer?
Do parent and baby birds recognize each other's songs or calls?
Why do birds have such elaborate and varied courtship rituals?
What's going on when I see little birds going after a big bird?
If Brown-headed Cowbirds are reared by other species, how do they know they are cowbirds when they grow up?
Do birds play?
Do birds sleep?
Why do hummingbirds fight so much?
Why do some birds stand on one foot?
I saw a little bird feeding a much larger bird. Is it rare to see two different species feeding each other?
Will birds use nest boxes to roost in for warmth during the winter?
Why do some birds mimic the sounds of other species?
A woodpecker is putting rows of holes in my tree. Will it hurt the tree?
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American Kestrel by Blair Dudeck / Macaulay Library